
Clubhouse大火,平台迅速聚集了大量用户,每个用户都有自己的profile,profile里除了自己的id,还会标注推荐人。现在产品经理提出一个要求,希望能研究任意两个用户的最近的共同好友在哪。程序员也不知道pm为什么要提这么个要求,但这个功能不算费事,所以程序员决定不与pm多做讨论,因为一般情况下,所谓讨论都沦为给pm扩充知识理清思路的过程。简化起见,profile定义如下,完成TODO,注意,这个API可能会被多次调用。 class Profile { // Id of this profile. public String id; // Id of the person who nominated this person. public String nominatedBy; } public class Clubhouse { public Clubhouse(List<Profile> clubPool) { // TODO ? } public Profile getClosestCommonFriend(Profile a, Profile b) { // TODO } }

February 5, 2021 · 1 min · 48 words


01背包问题(01 backpack problem) Problem Given N items and a bag of weight capacity W. Each item has weight w[i] and value v[i]. What’s the most value this bag can hold? E.g., N = 5, W = 10. w = [1 2 3 4 5], v = [5 4 3 2 1] Output: 14. Explanation: Choose item 1 2 3 4 whose total weight is 10 and total value is 14. Solution dp[i][j] := the most value to get if taken from item [1:i] and weight <= j....

February 4, 2021 · 2 min · 321 words